Musings on Pravasam

My first blog in Vayanaa is dedicated to M. Mukundan. I belong not to the generation who started using drugs, inspired by his works. So, is there a generation gap between me and his works.

Answer - a big No. Because even though am in the midst of theories of postmodern world and technology, I can still can identify with what this little man writes in the pages of Pravasam or Delhi Gathakal or Dinosaurukalude Kalam

Today was the day of Pravasam. Started reading it couple of days back. Finished the last page today. Wonderful reading..

Being a reader with postmodern lenses, this book satisfied my appetite. There was everything that belonged to postmodern generation in this book from the author of ‘high modernism’.

Pravasam is the story of three generation of pravasis or N.R.I s (not sure of the usage.. what can be the English equalent of pravasi? Diaspora?? )

Of Kottyathu Kumaran who went to Burma, Sudheeran and others who went of Gulf countries and Asokan whose destination was America.

Hated Fragmentation today. Realized how cruel it can be for the writer to stop upruptly when he is sharing the story of some one and jump to other and the poor reader (none other than me) has to burry my head into the pillow to calm myself down.

Realised how powerful the Metafiction is. Fell in love with the writer. Read with awe on Sankaran kutty (oh my dear S.K. Pottakadu – its with one of ur books – Simha boomi – from my father’s collection, I developed my habit of reading ), Bashir, Uruub, Vasuvettan (are those incidents true???)… we have grown trained to worship the writer.. look with respect.. and here they are just with us like a character.. and we can a chance to be the part of writing.. thrilling….

Something personal – I never knew that this book has been published right in 2008.. I was in another world where there was no place for books.. now am back in to this world and in love again…

This copy of mine is signed by Mukundan himself – thanks to the hay festival…


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