Lets talk on Postmodernism...

Academicians in the west have started talking about the death of Postmodernism and what after,  long back. As with all other western theories, it ll take sometime for them to reach our parts of the country and be the most often referred topic of the Doctoral Thesis.

In India can we anticipate the rise of postmodernism or is it already here?

Browsing through the net, one can find a couple of articles on pomo (hereafter ll be referred so) from the research scholars of India. Some of them ve probed into the roots of pomo here...

Can pomo shake the Indian scenario as it did with the western world??


b'cos Indians are postmodernists since ages. Never ve we believed in univocal truths, we never had 'author gods', our metanarratives were made of 'micro narratives'..

The things which i may be referring here can sound as clichés to many.. But here in the context of pomo those features sounds amazing.

1) No univocal truths:

Have Indians ever sticked on to a particular philosophy? no . Hindhuism is described by the law makers as 'a way of life'. may be that it is so confusing to pinpoint a particular feature or tradition as the mark of Hinduism. It changes with communities, states or region.

The tradition encouraged discussions ( tharkam) on various theories (nyayas) and stood for multivocalism.. people had the freedom to come up with their own modes of thinking.

Thus the religion embraced in it not only the theists but also the atheists (Charvaka’s principles)

2) No author gods

Indians of the erst while age never believed in claiming the copyright or royalty of their books. So the present generation is clueless about the authorship of the epic Mahabharatha ’cos Veda Vyasa was not the name of a particular person but the common name used to address the learned.

For the other epic Ramayana, there are many versions. Poor Valmiki never claimed that Ramayana is his own.

We can find several intertextual elements right here in these texts, written centuries back.

3) No Metanarratives
The epics here are the combination of multitude of stories and the Vedas and Upanishads are many in number allowing the scholars to add to it. There are many subcategories for the Vedas that it was ready to encompass as many principles and thoughts.

Nothing was complete or Poorna to them and it gave rise to wide philosphophical treatises.


Postmodernism cannot create waves in Inidan society as it did in the west.

On the other hand it ll be popular among them as it have been with all other new thoughts or ways of life. b'cos Indians are so large at heart...


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