When Breath Becomes Air

Went through the pages of the book, When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanidhi again in December, 2019. 

Life was not the same before. Mine was in a roller coaster after August, 2019. Never thought of the philosophy of deaths before. Never it was that painful. Till then I loved to call myself a Cancer survivor, for Parvathy (my daughter) and me was not two, but one. It was all shattered when I lost my father to Liver Cancer. As if you are crumbled - your ego of being a super hero in life who can face all challenges with a smile.

And I was reading Kalanidhi from a new perspective. To be a super hero YOU need not be a survivor. You need not travel through this world in body but can be in spirit. What Kalanidhi teaches us is to embrace the life as well as death with a smile, with equal passion. 

The reality shows in the Television channels, the Facebook pages and all the available media today prefer to bring in the people who  have survived to live in this Earth. They speak little of the people who chose to live and die with grace. 

Kalanidhi should be celebrated that we will realize how fragile are the days we are in. The things which we hold close to our hearts may not be ours in a flash of the eyes. The job we loved to do, the career which we made ours with lots of efforts and hard work will cease to be ours. The child whom we pledged to be brought up like a prince/princess would be left alone to be a survivor among the fittest. And we have to live our day as if there was NONE before and will be NONE after.

Kalanidhi, not only lives through his daughter, but through his readers who read him again and again, love him as some one close to them... 

And that is the POWER OF WORDS


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