Revolving around Umberto Eco...

What does Umberto Eco has to do with Postmodernism?

Theorist? Writer? Advocate of pomo???

My opening sentences today are misnormers...

this post is not exactly on Eco but on a story which made Eco a common place name atleast in Malayalam.

Couple of days back started reading B.Murali's 100 Kathakal - 100 stories...  "Umberto Eco" has been given the first position... the first in the line..but decided that am not going to read this story.. why should I?? am so familiar with this... lot has been read and told about the story... celeberated  as a postmodern work....

but some how got stumpled on 'Umberto Eco'

The story line -  Ramakrishan the UGC  NET PSC aspirant is inducing his lady love to reading- sort of Pygmalion - so that she can be his 'better half - and get qualified for the chat over a cup of tea . She performs better developing herself to be an exponent of Barth, Eco, Foucault.. despising Sidney Sheldon...

OMG.... so excited after the reading...

ve read this for the first time when i was an undergraduate ... must ve read for telling others that i ve read murali...

and JAI HO to Reader Response Theory.... after a decade i can identify myself with Ramakrishnan ... the insecure and Sujatha too or hope to be one....

this is what makes Murali a fav... he talks about u and me ... about the common man.... enjoy the reflections....

still a doubt - Is this work a postmodern ??? representing postmodern dilemma? the rationalist in me is looking for postmodern techniques... its in plenty in other works of Murali and is not here...

lets talk about it some other time...


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