J.H. Miller's The Critic as Host
'The Critic As Host' was presented by J.H. Miller as a reply to M.H. Abram's allegations in his essay 'Rationality and Human Imagination in Cultural History' that the Deconstructionist reading is parasitical and if applied, it would make, History an impossibility. In the opening paragraph of 'The Critic as Host', Miller quotes M.H. Abrams : "The 'deconstructionist' reading of a given work 'is plainly and simply parasitical' on 'the obvious or univocal reading'.". The first part of this quote is not that of Abrams, but he has cited it from Wayne Booth. Miller points out that what has happened here is a citation of a citation. He also poses the question that whether this citation itself can be considered as a Parasite in the body of the text, which is the host. The host would be feeding the parasite and there are also possibilities of the parasite killing the host. Abrams' allegation that Deconstructionist reading...